Thursday, November 7, 2013

Entered and Waiting

Ever since I heard about the Nike Womens Half Marathon in DC it's been on my dream list.  I happened to think of it and look it up at a good time because the registration had opened!  I sucked the high cost up and pulled out my credit card with hopes of being picked.  Now the torture awaits... the drawing isn't until December.

I also discovered a new half marathon in Philly - the Love Run.  It's a month before the Nike half, totally doable.  It's only $76 and you seem to get a lot for the money.  But with having slight car trouble and Christmas and tons of birthdays right around the corner I'm wondering if it's a smart idea to register for that one.

I'm the type of runner that if I pay for a race, I'll train and try to do my best.  I wish I had the motivation to do without paying all this money, but I don't.  I want to be able to leave my house on a weekend and just run, but I'm exhumed from working that it won't happen unless it has to.  I also wish I had a friend or a couple who were into racing.  I've had friends say they'd like to try but they don't' stick with it.  I had a friend do a half randomly but said she'll never do one again.  Trying to convince my boyfriend that it's fun is like trying to get a cat to like getting a bath.

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